Technical Assistance for Increased Public Understanding and Enhanced Stakeholder Capacity on the Required Joint Efforts on Climate Action

The main focus of İklinIN Project was to motivate both individuals and administrations by using a simple language that the fight against climate change is a part of daily life to a wide circle. The world climate is changing; so we need to change!
İklimIN Training Programme
17 training booklets were prepared by the leading subject-matter experts based on the TNA “Stocktaking Report” The 17 training subjects were disseminated with training events lasting 20 different 3-days trainings in 20 different provinces of Türkiye by achieving 1090 participants. Some of the headings of the training booklet has given the following:
- Scientific Basis of Climate Change and Impacts on Turkey
- Global Climate Change Policies
- EU Climate Change Policy
- Turkey’s Climate Policy, Legal and Institutional Framework
The İklimIN training programme has introduced innovation into the capacity building approach followed in the field. A direct link has been established between human rights and climate change for the first time. Different aspects of climate change have been discussed in an innovative manner. The trainings were prepared with a balance in both “mitigation” and “adaptation”.
Awareness Raising on Climate Action
A TV spot, 10 netcasts videos, and 1 radio spot produced to create awareness on climate change. To watch them, click link. ( )
A communication campaign launch event was organized in Istanbul. The event was started as the communication campaign launch and continued as the “Training for the Journalists and Media Members”.
More than 100 informative materials (brochures, e-banners, digi-boards, short videos) are prepared.
10 Exhibitions in 10 Different Cities
A photo contest has been organized in cooperation with the Photographic Arts Delegation of Turkey (TFSF). The selected 31 photos were awarded and exhibited in 10 exhibitions in 10 different cities organised. The exhibitions have been organised in five different themes, namely: i) Results of Climate Change; ii) Environmental Problems; iii) Images of Nature; iv) How People Caused Climate Change; v) Alternative Energy Sources.
2 Country Wide Public Opinion Surveys
2 country wide public opinion surveys to assess the level of climate action awareness prepared and executed. As a result of surveys, a database consisting of 967 different observations was formed and acquired statistical data were prepared and analysed with the specially prepared R code for the study. Based on this analysis, the Project Communication Strategy and the Awareness Raising Communication Plan were prepared. This analysis was used also as a source for the preparation of the National Climate Change Communication Plan (NCCP)
Grant Scheme of 37 Projects:
Under grant scheme component 37 projects have been implemented. The grant projects have reached 718.000 people in 27 different provinces.
The grant projects consisted wide range of activities such as:
- Raising awareness on the urgency and importance of combatting climate change.
- Monitoring, planning and/or implementing greenhouse gas mitigation activities.
- Enhancing sustainable production and consumption.
- Low carbon urbanization including climate resilient urban planning.
- Dissemination of best practices especially in collaboration with municipalities and NGOs in the EU Member States.